1st Wednesdays – Friends with Academic Benefits


*DIGITAL* Friends with Academic Benefits: How College Friendship Networks Matter For her book Connecting in College, Dartmouth professor Janice McCabe examined 82 students’ friendships over five years and identified three types of friendship networks: tight-knitters, compartmentalizers, and samplers. Challenging views of friendships as either helping or harming, McCabe will show how and for whom friends help…

1st Wednesdays


*DIGITAL* How to Read Chinese Poetry (If You Can’t Read Chinese): The Case of Ezra Pound In 1915, Ezra Pound published a collection of early “translations” of Chinese poetry that took the poetic world by storm. However, Pound didn’t know a word of Chinese. Middlebury professor Timothy Billings was the first scholar to decipher the…

1st Wednesdays


*DIGITAL* Andy Warhol's Animal Advocacy Andy Warhol famously demonstrated that art could be as mundane and mechanical as a can of soup or a bottle of soda.  But contrary to his reputation as a mechanical figure, Andy Warhol was a biocentric artist with a deep interest in non-human life.  Author Anthony Grudin examines this contradiction,…

1st Wednesdays


*DIGITAL* US Immigration Policy in Historical Perspective It may seem that the current anxieties about immigration in the US have never been more intense, but history suggests otherwise.  Dartmouth professor Richard Wright examines the present-day contradictions of US immigration policy and places them in historical perspective. A program of Vermont Humanities Library Sponsor:  The Friends…

1st Wednesdays


*DIGITAL* On Athletes and Activists Sports have a clear relationship to American culture.  Social science gravitates toward an analysis of cultural issues like race, class, gender, and politics.  Jack and…

1st Wednesdays


*DIGITAL*From Politics to Poetry As the first female governor for the State of Vermont, the ambassador to Switzerland for President Clinton, and the holder of other prestigious positions, Madeleine Kunin has inspired women and girls to discover their own voices as leaders.  Governor Kunin will speak about her life in politics and read from her…