Talk Rescheduled

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

Otter Creek Audubon Society Cabin Fever Lecture
Pine Martens
New Date: Thursday, March 15 at 7 p.m.

Chris Bernier, Fish and Wildlife Department fur-bearer biologist, who intrigued us with the story of Canada lynx in Vermont last winter, will review the history of pine martens in Vermont and clarify their difficult relationship with fisher cats.

Preschool Storytime

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

Books, songs, and crafts for the preschool set!

Meet Your Representatives

Vermont Room 75 main street, middlebury, United States

Middlebury Representatives Amy Sheldon and Robin Scheu will be in the Vermont Room of the Ilsley Library to answer questions and hear concerns of Middlebury residents.

Lucky Storytime

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

Come listen to stories, eat some lucky snacks, and complete a fun craft to celebrate St. Patrick's Day!  All ages are welcome.

Job Hunt Helpers

Computer area

Do you need help writing a resume or cover letter?  Would you like assistance searching for local job opportunities and applying for jobs online?  Do you need assistance finding education…