Movers and Shakers Storytime

OLD Community Room

Rhymes, Songs, games and books perfect for babies and toddlers!

Youth Media Lab

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

A drop-in program that teaches participants how to film, edit and produce videos, as well as explore other areas of digital media.  This program is for children in Grades 4-6.

Talk on Artificial Intelligence

OLD Community Room

Wednesday, October 9 at 10:30 am
Meet Bina48, an Advanced Social Robot
Come meet Bina48, the world's first advanced humanoid robot based on the "mindfile" information of a real person, and hear a talk by Bruce Duncan, who is responsible for ongoing development of Bina48. Bina48 is designed to be a social being that represents a mix of memories, values, and beliefs from the original Bina along with new experiences gained through interaction with others. Since she "came to life" in 2010, she has been featured in the New York Times Science Section, GQ Magazine, NPR and National Geographic Magazine. This event, sponsored by the Addison County Retired Educators Association, is free and open to the public.

Knitting Know-How Night

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

Wednesday, October 9 5:30-7;00pm
Join Cheryl Burnham and Amy Quesnel and other “Cacklin Hens” at Ilsley Public Library each month for a night with a “Knowledgeable Knitter” to answer your questions, help fix your mistakes, and teach you new tricks.  Come with your stalled project or any project and be ready to laugh. This is a drop in program.