Book Bite Storytime


Join Miss Tricia for a storytime and book give away at the town pool.

Observing Pollinators


Observing Pollinators 3:00 PM in the Garden Join Renee to learn how to participate in a Citizen Science initiative to help The Great Sunflower Project. Review how to participate in the project Review use of iNaturalist - used in the project Sign up for borrowing the Observing Pollinators kit - 1 week loan period

STEAM Take & Make

Children's Room

Balloon Fun Craft kit Available while supplies last.

Sew Together

Children's Room

Hawk Puppet Bags Designed for a joint project with an adult and child.  Available while supplies last.

Bring Your Own Lunch Storytime

East Middlebury - Sarah Partridge 431 East Main Street, East Middlebury

Join Miss Laura for a storytime with a bring your own picnic lunch in the park behind Sarah Patridge Library.