Fiber Arts Flock

Library Lobby

Gather with fellow artist and crafters in the library lobby for an hour to work on your current project, share inspiration and knowledge. All fiber arts are welcome! Knit, crochet,…

Chess Club

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

Join Mary Jane and Alexis in the Jessica Swift Community Room, chess players of all ages are invited to bring a board and play chess.

Addison County Homeschoolers Spelling Bee

We welcome spellers for a friendly competition with fun, snacks and prizes! Word lists and more information will be available on the Facebook homeschool group.

Lego Build Club

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

Youth Media Lab

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

Contact Kurt Broderson for information and questions.

Fiber Arts Flock

Library Lobby

Gather with fellow artist and crafters in the library lobby for an hour to work on your current project, share inspiration and knowledge. All fiber arts are welcome! Knit, crochet,…