Camp Kukamunga

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

VTweens Summer Fun: Clay Charms with Kathryn

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

Warm up your fingers for some itty-bitty crafting fun.  Use polymer clay to create tiny clay charms for keychains, jewelry, and more.  For kids 9 and up.

Ukulele Lessons for Teens and Adults

Learn the ukulele in 6 lessons
Tuesdays at 7 p.m. ,starting June 30th

In this free introduction to playing the ukulele for teens and adults, Lloyd Miller, founder and frontman for the Deedle Deedle Dees, will teach you basic chords and rhythm in the context of songs that we can sing together. Expect to play all class every class and come away with a little repertoire of fun tunes you can share with your friends and family. Space is limited and registration required. Bring your own ukulele or borrow one of the library’s. Ages 9 – 13 with adult, 14 and up independently. Please register in advance at the adult circulation desk.

Oprn Bridge Game

Vermont Room 75 main street, middlebury, United States

Come join our open bridge game in the Library's second floor "nook."  The atmosphere is relaxed.  We talk about our hands and usually there is somebody there to turn to…

Stuffed Animal Sidekick Training

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

Does your favorite stuffie have what it takes to be your sidekick?  Join us for a sidekick story and then put them through our training course to see if they…