Youth Media Lab

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

With Kurt Broderson from MCTV.

Otter Creek Poets

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

Hybrids meetings mixed with virtual only. Writers and aspiring writers of all ages and levels of experience are welcome, as are poems in all forms and styles. The workshop is…

Chess Club

Join Mary Jane Simpson in the Jessica Swift Community Room, chess players of all ages are invited to bring a board and play chess.


Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

Whale Rider (2002, 1hr 44min). A Maori tribe in New Zealand had a strict rule for future chiefs: they had to be male. This pattern was upset when the heir to…

Backyard Compost

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

Learn what makes a compost pile successful, the different types of compost, how to build a pile, and ways to troubleshoot common compost problems.  This workshop will be present by…