Tech Help

Computer area

Job Hunt Helpers

Computer area

Do you need help writing a resume or a cover letter?  Would you like assistance searching for local job opportunities and applying for jobs online?  Do you need assistance finding education and training opportunities?  Our Job Hunt Helper Briana Hanley can help you find your next job.  The Job Hunt Helper Program is offered through…

Compost Workshop

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

Basics of Backyard Composting
Wednesday, April 11th, 5 p.m.
This free workshop from the Addison County Solid Waste Management District will cover the basics of backyard composting, including information on why food scraps should be diverted from the landfill, how to set up and manage a pile, uses for finished compost, and troubleshooting tips. Whether you’re a seasoned composter or brand new to the process, please join us to get your questions answered and learn more about the wonderful world of compost!

Tech Help

Computer area

Library Explorers Storytime

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

Does your child miss storytime?  Drop off your K-3rd graders for books, games, crafts, and more.