Youth Media Lab

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

A drop-in program that teaches participants how to film, edit and produce videos, as well as explore other areas of digital media.  This program is for children in Grades 4-6.

Youth Media Lab

Community Room 75 Main St., Middlebury

Drop-in media exploration with MCTV for 4th-6th grades.

Library Explorers Storytime

OLD Community Room

Books, games, crafts and more for K-3rd graders!  Registration is required.

First Wednesday Talk

OLD Community Room

1st Wednesdays 
November 7, 7:00PM

Immigration Restrictions Then and Now:  Short Stories of Edith Eaton (Sui Sin Far).
Suzanne Brown discusses three 1912 short stories by Edith Eaton (Sui Sin Far) that examine the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and its effects on the Chinese immigrant community.  Eaton's stories explore assimilation issues, family separation, discrimination, and fear of deportation in ways that will resonate in 2019.  Audience members are encouraged to read the three short stories--"Mrs. Spring Fragrance," "In the Land of the Free," and "The Americanizing of Pau Tsu"--now available at Ilsley Public Library.